Ojos Negros is about 30 miles from the start/finish of the race. 2005 was a circle race, meaning that the race began and ended in Ensenada. Wide Open Baja and Monster Energy set up a hospitality area just outside Ojos. We had tents, food, porta potties, wifi and a large semi trailer. A few motor homes circled the area and we were ready for anything.
My brother-in-law provided radio coverage for the BC cars by air. My husband was also in the plane helping out as needed. On the ground my sister-in-law and I were monitoring the BC cars by satellite tracking on the computer and giving radio updates to the plane all night.
It is a rare thing for any of us to get any sleep during the race, way too much to do. Oh, and did I mention that at night it gets really cold at Ojos Negros?